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Top 5 Bolt Patterns

Wheel bolts are what hold the feet of our favorite vehicles onto their body, nice and firm. There are all kinds of patterns, and boy does my 58 iq brain love patterns. Lets look at the best.

5. 6 Bolt

The 6-lug is usually reserved for BIG ASS TRUCKS, but there are still some cars that use 6-lugs (because the engineer was too lazy to figure out another solution), for example the Dodge Viper uses 6 bolts. This is also the largest number of bolts per wheel on the list, with a grand total of 24 bolts per vehicle. Kind of a lot.

4. 3 Bolt

Only weird and silly old European vehicles use 3, perhaps because there was only enough metal left after World War 2 to make 12 bolts per vehicle. The world may never know, but FUCK I love silly European shitstains.

3. 4 Bolt

Now we’re getting to the mainstream, 4 bolt cars are usually light economy cars or old American muscle machines. It allows for an elegantly simple wheel hub, without anything too complicated to get in the way. Everything from the Neon to the original Mustang ran 4 bolts, for a total of 16 per car.

2. 5 Bolt

Perhaps, no, for sure, the most common bolt pattern in the world, it’s the essential for nearly every single car on the road. Without the 5 lug, Earth will fracture and countries will fall.

1. Center Locks

For those who are the most special people on Earth, get a center lock. Do you want to need to apply 50,000 pounds of force to do a tire rotation? Boy have I got the bolt pattern for you! Yep, its the “race car for the road” special, but we’ll always love a center lock for how absurd it is.

This was such a boring, bullshit article, we hope you enjoyed this awful joke that was only funny the first time.

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