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Bulk Disposal Accidentally Takes Project MGB

Dave Verolla, 23, was shocked today to see that MGB he was restoring had suddenly disappeared from his lawn. Confused, because not only did the car not run for more than 30 seconds, but also it looks like such a nut job, he’d wonder why anyone would bother stealing it in the first place.

“I was furious, but mostly I was a bit confused”, Dave said, “I had to contact Waste Management, who were just as confused as I was”.

Checking security cam footage, Dave was shocked to see that the bulk garbage pick up team had actually carried away his prized British roadster.

Eventually, he managed to track down his beloved MG which was sitting behind a shed on landfill property, still filled with spare parts and tools. The staff were confused why someone would want to have their junk back, but they did allow him to bring the car home.

“It looked like a rusting hunk of metal filled with garbage, so my boys loaded it up on their route today. Figured the poor fuck finally wanted it gone. Guess not”, the waste pickup coordinator told us. “It’s not completely uncommon in for this to happen, however most people tell us to keep the cars, almost as if we’ve done them a favor”.

Dave has now made a sign for his MG, to let people know that the slowly rotting project he has is, in fact, still a car that will be road worthy by next summer, no really.

We at MSIMA can’t wait to see where this goes! Probably to court.

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